JYCSS is a registered society with IPC status. What this means is that you will be able to claim tax relief if you donate to us. We appreciate and value any amount you give. All donations will be directed to the causes that JYCSS & her associate units are committed to.
Ways to donate
a. PayNow (UEN: T01SS0100D)
b. Cheque
c. Cash
Make payments using your bank’s mobile banking app.
Step 1: Launch your preferred payment app*.
Step 2: Scan the relevant QR code using your bank’s app.
Step 3: Verify that the payee name is “Jia Ying Community Services Society”.
Step 4: Enter the amount you are giving (please call us for a tax exempt receipt)
Step 5: Verify all the details and confirm the transfer.
Call us and we will be glad to assist.